I testing amanda-3.1.0rc08-20100317 with chg:robot on ubuntu server 8.04 LTS 
and everything is working fine. I tried to upgrade to beta1

I'm able to compile and install from source. Config options are the same like 
on rc08

> ./configure --prefix=/usr --bindir=/usr/sbin --libexecdir=/usr/lib/amanda 
> --without-amlibexecdir --without-amperldir --sysconfdir=/etc 
> --sharedstatedir=/var/lib --localstatedir=/var/lib --with-user=amandabackup 
> --with-group=disk --with-tcpportrange=50000,50100 --with-udpportrange=840,860 
> --with-debugging=/var/log/amanda 
> --with-gnutar-listdir=/var/lib/amanda/gnutar-lists 
> --with-index-server=localhost --with-bsd-security 
> --with-smbclient=/usr/bin/smbclient --with-amandahosts --with-ssh-security 
> --with-bsdtcp-security --with-bsdudp-security --without-ipv6

when I run:
amlabel -f DailySet1 DL0000L4 slot 1

I get this error:

> amlabel: Undefined subroutine &Amanda::Changer::cluck called at 
> /usr/lib/amanda/perl/Amanda/Changer.pm line 970

whan can be the cause of this problem?

my amanda.conf:

> org "Test DailySet1"              # your organization name for reports
> mailer "/usr/bin/mail"                                                       
> mailto "t...@test"                                    # space separated list 
> of operators at your site
> send-amreport-on all                                                          
> dumpuser "amandabackup"                                                       
> tapetype "DIL"                                                    # what kind 
> of tape it is
> dumpcycle 7 days                                                # the number 
> of days in the normal dump cycle
> runspercycle 5 days                                             # the number 
> of amdump runs in dumpcycle days
> tapecycle 15                                                    # the number 
> of tapes in rotation            
> usetimestamps yes                                                             
> runtapes 10                                                     # number of 
> tapes to be used in a single run of amdump
> maxdumpsize 10000gb                                                           
> labelstr "^DL[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][A-Z][0-9]*$"                          # 
> label constraint regex: all tapes must match
> diskfile "/etc/amanda/DailySet1/disklist"
> infofile "/etc/amanda/DailySet1/curinfo"                            # 
> database DIRECTORY
> logdir   "/etc/amanda/DailySet1/logs"                               # log 
> directory     
> indexdir "/etc/amanda/DailySet1/index"                              # index 
> directory   
> tapelist "/etc/amanda/DailySet1/tapelist"                           # list of 
> used tapes
> dtimeout 43200                                                 # number of 
> idle seconds before a dump is aborted
> ctimeout 60                                                     # max number 
> of secconds amcheck waits for each client
> etimeout 43200                                                   # number of 
> seconds per filesystem for estimates     
> inparallel 10                                                                 
> dumporder "sssS"                                                              
> taperalgo first                                                               
> displayunit "g"                                                               
> netusage 1 gbps                                                               
> maxdumps 1                                                                    
> bumpsize        20m                                                           
> bumppercent     20                                                            
> bumpdays        1 day                                                         
> amrecover_changer       "changer"                                             
> device_output_buffer_size 1280k                                               
> reserve 20                                                                    
> autoflush on                                                                  
> amrecover_do_fsf on                                                           
> amrecover_check_label on                                                      
> #flush-threshold-dumped 50                                                    
> holdingdisk dataPool {
>         comment "Main holding area"
>         directory "/dataPool/amandapool"
>         use 1000Gb
>         chunksize 2047Mb
> }
> define dumptype NEO {
>         comment "*splitsize* can only be defined in the scope of a dumptype 
> definition, not a device"
>         auth "bsdtcp"
>         tape_splitsize  75000m
>         fallback_splitsize      2000m
>         index yes
>         holdingdisk auto
>         program "GNUTAR"
>         compress none
>         record yes
>         exclude list "/etc/amanda/amanda.excludes"
> }
> define dumptype BIG {
>         NEO
>         estimate calcsize
> }
> define dumptype NORMAL {
>         NEO
>         estimate client
> }
> define tapetype DIL {
>         comment "Created by amtapetype; compression enabled"
>         length 757110016 kbytes
>         filemark 0 kbytes
>         speed 120000 kps
>         blocksize 2048 kbytes
> }
> define changer "robot" {
>        tpchanger "chg-robot:/dev/sg24"
>        changerfile "/etc/amanda/DailySet1/chg-zd-mtx-state"
>        property "tape-device" "0=tape:/dev/nst1"
>        property append "tape-device" "1=tape:/dev/nst2"
>        property "eject-before-unload" "no"
>        property "use-slots" "1-30"
>        property "load-poll" "0s poll 3 s until 120 s"
>        property "mtx" "/usr/sbin/mtx"
>        property "fast-search" "true"
>        property "drive-choice" "lru"
> }
> tpchanger "robot"

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