Amanda-3.1.0 isn't *quite* out the door yet, but like all developers at the end of a release cycle, we have turned our thoughts to the next feature release, Amanda-3.2.0. This wistfulness happened to coincide with a trip to Sunnyvale for all of us telecommuters at Zmanda, making it a perfect time to put our heads together and decide what to do next -- and more importantly, what to leave undone for the moment.
We're looking to make the 3.2.0 release soon - perhaps as soon as four months (August). So we've selected a number of well-contained projects that are manageable in that timeframe. This plan is, of course, subject to revision, particularly if we see additional developers come onboard. 1. Smoother configuration and handling of filtering (compression and encryption), making it easier to set up customized filters, and to use different filters for different DLEs. 2. Logical EOM handling, allowing most devices to write data all the way to the end of a volume without losing any data. This allows Amanda to use volumes completely, and avoids the need to use those pesky split buffers. 3. Vaulting support for splitting and reassembly (for real this time, I swear) 4. Recovery and taper scan improvements, including more configurable searches for tapes, ability to "chain" multiple changers for recoveries, improvements in interactivity ("feed me volume ___"), and just generally a lot more flexibility and predictability in Amanda's behavior toward volumes. 5. Support for simultaneous writes to multiple tape drives. The technical support for this is in place, so the configuration and management is the hard part: how does Amanda decide which tape to put a DLE on? Can the DLE "jump" from tape to tape? How does Amanda know how many drives it can use? What does it do if one of them is in use? Yeah, it's complicated! 6. A DirectTCP-based media server daemon. This is basically a changer and its associated devices (tapes, vtapes, cloud, whatever) on a machine *other* than that running the Amanda server. Amanda uses DirectTCP to send data directly from the client tot he media server daemon, completely bypassing the Amanda server machine. Combine this with point #5, above, and Amanda gets a *lot* more scalable! Of course, we will have bugfixes to think about (those will end up in patch releases numbered 3.1.x, x>0), and a number of loose ends to clean up and long-term projects to push forward: - consistent treatment of include/exclude lists across applications - perl rewrites on the server side - tear out some old, unused code Likewise, if time gets tight, we may implement some of these items in a limited fashion - in particular, I can think of some "dumbed down" implementations of #5 and #6 that would be much easier to write while still providing significant benefit to Amanda's users. I'd love to see comments on this list, and I'd especially like to hear from anyone who wants to add a project *and* work that project through to completion! Dustin -- Open Source Storage Engineer