Hi all:

I've got a fileserver that contains about 95% of my "data" on a single
disk mount, and I would like to back this up.

I have an amanda system running, using a 1.5TB hard drive for vtapes,
which I've created 25 of them, and told amanda they're 150GB each.
Aside from the large backup above, amanda is backing up /etc/ and a
few other small exports from half a dozen different machines.  My
normal daily backup (with level 0's promoted from 20-x days ahead) is
about 20GB.  My large vtape size is done just to support the full
backup of my large volume.

As such, I didn't want to tell amanda that I'm using 3 tapes a day.
Instead, I wanted to break up my large export such that it could be
backed up on 3 seperate days, and thus spreading the full backup load
around.  To this end, I followed the wiki instructions on using
includes/excludes to segment my backup.  I currently have:

files.ailab.wsu.edu user-homes /home comp-user-tar-exclude
files.ailab.wsu.edu aptexp-nocam /home/ApartmentExperiments {
   exclude "./ElderExp/*cam*"
files.ailab.wsu.edu aptexp-cam1 /home/ApartmentExperiments/ElderExp {
   include "./cam1*"
files.ailab.wsu.edu aptexp-cam2 /home/ApartmentExperiments/ElderExp {
   include "./cam2*"
files.ailab.wsu.edu aptexp-cam3 /home/ApartmentExperiments/ElderExp {
   include "./cam3*"

The first export (user-homes) has an exclude list that lists
"ApartmentExperiments" as well as a few user directories that don't
need to be backed up.  This works correctly.
The second item is basically getting all of our research data except
for camera data.  This too is working correctly.

The next 3 seem to suffer from the same problem: They always end up
backing up the full size of the export, reguardless of backup level:
Last night's run:
files.ailab. aptexp-cam1 1      63      61   96.8  197:52 5353.0  32:45 32338.3
files.ailab. aptexp-cam2 1      60      58   96.8  195:22 5230.6  41:06 24861.0
files.ailab. aptexp-cam3 1 FAILED --------------------------------------------
files.ailab. -texp-nocam 0      11      10   93.8   38:15 4723.1   8:22 21575.7
files.ailab. user-homes  2       1       1   36.2    3:05 2834.8   0:20 26424.4
[the error for cam3 is: files.ailab.wsu.edu aptexp-cam3 lev 1  FAILED
"[dumps way too big, 38374115 KB, must skip incremental dumps]"

Night before last's run (first time for cam3):
files.ailab. aptexp-cam1 1      63      61   96.8  200:03 5294.1  42:21 25010.0
files.ailab. aptexp-cam2 1      60      58   96.8  192:56 5296.6  37:49 27015.8
files.ailab. aptexp-cam3 0      73      70   96.1  232:40 5282.8
9:17 31897.6 TAPE-PARTIAL
files.ailab. -texp-nocam 2       0       0   49.0    0:01 4962.9   0:00 18860.3
files.ailab. user-homes  2       1       0   42.7    2:03 2372.6   0:15 19178.8
I ran out of space in my tape because it backed up the entirety of
cam1 and cam2 as well as cam3.

Run before that (first for cam2):
files.ailab. aptexp-cam1 1      62      60   96.8  195:56 5367.7  31:12 33700.9
files.ailab. aptexp-cam2 0      60      58   96.8  191:05 5305.1  39:24 25725.3
files.ailab. -texp-nocam 1      11      10   93.8   36:43 4918.0   7:41 23528.1
files.ailab. user-homes  2       1       0   43.5    1:57 2224.1   0:11 23315.6

Run before that (first for cam1):
files.ailab. aptexp-cam1 0      58      56   96.8  215:29 4581.0  35:31 27787.5
files.ailab. -texp-nocam 1       0       0    8.3    0:00 2510.8   0:00 38330.5
files.ailab. user-homes  1      16       6   37.7   23:31 4422.5   3:34 29228.0

My vtape disk is now filling up VERY fast, and my backups are taking a
very long time to compete.

The camera data is being populated by rsync initiated from a remote
system (one-way).  It is NOT transfering all the files over; its only
doing new files (old files are not changed).  The filesystem on the
computer being backed up is mounted as: /dev/hdb1 on /home type ext4
(rw,noatime) (no NFS or other network-wierdness going on).

I will admit to the machine (files) being a Xen DomU (VM guest), but
its storage is dedicated, and it functions just like a physical
machine in all ways storage is concerned.

Any suggestions?


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