> What operating system and version?

Redhat 5.x, patches are up to date.

> That file isn't even an executable, so I'm not sure what you are doing.
> Or did you mean "/etc/init.d/amanda restart"?

Sorry, I meant /etc/init.d/xinetd/restart

> Is this a new installation or has this worked in the past?

Worked in the past.

> Most installations set up amanda to run from xinetd. If you use xinetd,
> is that working and set up correctly? One common gotcha is in
> the /etc/xinetd.d/amanda* file(s), set "disabled" to "no".
> You might check the log files. See the directory specified for logdir
> in your amanda.conf.

Which ones?

> What do you see when you run amdump (as the backup user) from the
> terminal?

I run it from crontab, not sure I want to start one out of order.
I could try it tonight instead of running it through cron if you
think it would help.

Steven J. Backus                        Computer Specialist
University of Utah                      E-Mail:  steven.bac...@utah.edu
Genetic Epidemiology                    Alternate:  bac...@math.utah.edu
391 Chipeta Way -- Suite D              Office:  801.587.9308
Salt Lake City, UT 84108-1266           http://www.math.utah.edu/~backus

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