
First, thanks to you, the rest of the Zmanda team and
the community contributors like Jean-Louis Martinea
for all of your hard work on Amanda.

I guess I was just surprised that the run-time library
path is different for the executables/libraries generated
in the build directory as compared to the versions that
end up in the install directory.

Why not just copy the compiled versions over to the
install directory so that you know you're running what you
checked? Presumably because you want the *BUILD DIRECTORY*
in the library search path of the build directory executables,
but you want the *INSTALL DIRECTORY* in the library search path
of the installed executables.

I'm fine with this, but the "make install" process should
ensure that this is the ONLY difference between the library
search path otherwise the "make check" step is not only
pointless, it is misleading.

As it stands, you can do a "make check" and have everthing
work, but then a "make install" can completely change
the included libraries such that you're not running what
you checked. I always figured that the "make install" just
copied the checked executables over to the install dir, but
this is not the case.

Unfortunately I no experience with automake/libtool so I
can't propose a solution. Hopefully documenting this issue
here will assist anyone else who runs into this in the


>On Sun, Jul 25, 2010 at 3:10 PM, Sean Walmsley
><s...@fpp.nuclearsafetysolutions.com> wrote:
>> Thanks for any insight you can provide (well, besides the obvious
>> suggestion to not leave older versions of Amanda about!).
>I have never understood Solaris's approach to linking very well, but I
>can say that Amanda uses a very straightforward application of
>automake/libtool to do its linking, so it shouldn't act appreciably
>different from any other application.  The general recommendation is
>to make sure that other versions of Amanda are out of the linker paths
>when building a new version.  If you can find something we can do in
>the source to make this better, I'm all ears.

Sean Walmsley        sean at fpp . nuclearsafetysolutions dot com
Nuclear Safety Solutions Ltd.  416-592-4608 (V)  416-592-5528 (F)
700 University Ave M/S H04 J19, Toronto, Ontario, M5G 1X6, CANADA

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