
This is for amanda-3.1.1.

For the last week or so amreport has been giving me the error:

  tutor /raid/data1 lev 0  partial taper: No acceptable volumes found

every time a new tape is requested by the taper. The hold disk then
fills up to capacity. amflush will notheless write to multiple tapes.
I've been getting this since I've applied a patch for amstatus and
taper but I don't understand how it could have messed up things like
this as the patch just changed the taper logging. I can provide debug
files upon request.

<° >< Jean-François Malouin          McConnell Brain Imaging Centre        
Systems/Network Administrator       Montréal Neurological Institute
3801 Rue University, Suite WB219          Montréal, Québec, H3A 2B4
Phone: 514-398-8924                               Fax: 514-398-8948

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