Hmmm - you may have something in the behaviour of gtar.

  cat /dev/zero | gtar -tf -

GTAR ORIGIN                             VERSION RESULT
------------------------------          ------- -----------------
/usr/sfw/bin/gtar Sol10 U8              1.17    runs forever
/usr/sfw/bin/gtar Sol10 U8+patches      1.22    exits immediately
/opt/csw/bin/gtar Sol10 opencsw         1.23    exits immediately

But, if I use the gtar '--ignore-zeros' flag (exists in 1.17
as well as 1.22/1.23) then all versions keep running forever.

We're compiling (and running) amcheckdump on a machine with
gtar version 1.22, so perhaps that's the issue?

Did gtar's default behaviour with respect to zeroes between 1.17 and

Since we're using amgtar to validate, I tried adding:

property "COMMAND-OPTIONS" "--ignore-zeros"

to our amgtar application definition, but this didn't make
any difference. From the amgtar log file, the gtar command
that was invoked was:

Sat Aug  7 08:09:09 2010: amgtar: Executing: /usr/sfw/bin/gtar '-tf' '-'

So I've either done something wrong, or amcheckdump doesn't
use the amgtar definition to do the validation.

I'm on vacation for a week, but I have a colleage that monitors
this list and can respond if there's anything else you'd like
us to test.

Thanks for your help with this,


>On Thu, Aug 5, 2010 at 2:57 PM, Sean Walmsley
><> wrote:
>> It looks to me like:
>>  - process 10344 (amcheckdump) creates a pipe
>>    with file descriptors 8 and 9 at each end.
>>  - the process forks off a child (10350)
>>  - the parent closes fd8
>>  - the child closes fd9 and eventually dups
>>    fd8 onto fd0 (std in)
>Nice work!  You'll also notice this absolutely brain-dead behavior by
>good 'ol Perl:
>10350:  dup(8)                                          = 9
>10350:  fcntl(8, F_GETFD, 0x082320DC)                   = 1
>10350:  dup(8)                                          = 11
>10350:  llseek(8, 0, SEEK_CUR)                          Err#29 ESPIPE
>10350:  close(8)                                        = 0
>10350:  fcntl(11, F_DUP2FD, 0x00000008)                 = 8
>10350:  close(11)                                       = 0
>10350:  fcntl(9, F_DUP2FD, 0x00000008)                  = 8
>10350:  fcntl(8, F_SETFD, 0x00000001)                   = 0
>10350:  close(9)                                        = 0
>which is the long way 'round the barn to accomplish, well, nothing
>really.  However, you'll note that it is thread-unsafe!  In
>particular, if some other thread happens to open a new file descriptor
>8 between close(8) and dup2(11, 8), then that thread's file descriptor
>will get clobbered.  This behavior is only invoked when running on
>Sun's libc (Solaris and, I've learned, Nexenta), but sadly it's going
>to force us to reimplement the entire perlio layer.  Anyway, enough
>ranting for now.  That's not actually causing the problem here as far
>as I can tell.
>> Eventually, (line 4461) the child seems to exit normally with
>> exit status of 0. It looks to me like this is an orderly
>> exit with normal cleanup, closing of file descriptors, etc.
>This is an accurate description, and I don't see anything in the truss
>output that you missed.  I just don't know why tar quits!  It hasn't
>gotten *any* indication that it is nearing EOF, not even a short read:
>  10350:  read(0, 0x080AA000, 10240)                      = 10240
>To my knowledge, GNU tar will not exit before it gets EOF.  In fact,
>we depend on GNU tar to happily digest a lot of trailing zeroes on
>dumpfiles, since some devices (tapes) pad the end of a file with
>What does
>  cat /dev/zero | /usr/sfw/bin/gtar -tf -
>do for you?  On my Solaris 10 system, it runs forever, and a truss
>shows tar reading 0's in 10k increments without any output.  I even
>tried concatenating zeroes onto a real tarfile, with the same result:
>  (tar -cf - test; cat /dev/zero) | /usr/sfw/bin/gtar -tf -
>I'll check on the GNU Tar list, but let me know what you find.
>Open Source Storage Engineer

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