As you probably know, we have had a new Changer API in place for two
major releases now (2.6.1 and 3.1.x).  Moving into 3.2, we're planning
to remove the implementations of the older changers.  That includes
such oddball shell and perl scripts as chg-chio, chg-chs, chg-scsi,
chg-rait, chg-rth, and so on.  These changers are all unmaintained at
this point.  Some have known bugs (chg-rait).  Some haven't been
compiled in ages (the SCSI stuff).  Some are replaced by much more
capable new changers (the difference between chg-zd-mtx and chg-robot
is like night and day!).  As a compromise keeping a few changers that
some of our customers use, to ease upgrades, but those will go away
soon, too (3.3, probably).

The benefit to the project is, of course, not carrying around this
unmaintained code, and the hope that new users will not
unintentionally use old code.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are using any of the changers slated for
deletion now, no worries - you can keep using the by dropping a copy
in amanda's libexecdir.  Amanda will run it just fine via the
chg-compat adapter.  They old scripts are just not *distributed*

I don't want to make a unilateral decision, so I'm looking for some
feedback.  Those in AUTHORS should feel especially encouraged to speak

The patch is here:
As you can see, everything goes except chg-manual, chg-multi,
chg-zd-mtx, and chg-disk.


Open Source Storage Engineer

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