Am 23.08.2010 22:49, schrieb Charles Curley:
> You should be OK with bash.
> In fact on Centos 5.5, sh is a symlink to bash:
> # ll $(which sh)
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Jun  7 21:40 /bin/sh -> bash
> On Ubuntu 8.04 (Ubuntu 8.04.4 LTS, to be pedantic), sh is a symlink to
> dash. I changed the amanda user to use bash. I think because I didn't
> like using dash while logged in as the amanda user.

Thanks, Charles!

Yep, I also have bash as amanda-shell on the most of my servers, I just
started to ask myself as I read that "/bin/sh"-stuff lately, in
combination with researching the environment-topic discussed in this thread.


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