Hi Ranjan,

My reponses are inline.

On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 11:26:03AM +0530, Ranjan Das wrote:
> Hi Valeriu,
> Thank you very much for the guidance. This was very much informative.
> I have another doubt, as this configuration is for weekly backup and if i
> start using this config daily what will happen?? Or in the other way, if we
> schedule daily backups and we dont do it daily and does it at a random
> fashion what will happen, will there be any problem with the integrity of
> data. What are the consequences that will arise if we miss out the correct
> timing.?

You should sitdown first and decide what your backup strategy will be. Based on 
that, decide what the 'dumpcycle' will be. A day, a week, 2 weeks? Then you 
should decide how many runs will you do per 'dumpcycle'. Why wouldn't you be 
able to do it daily? How many times per week could you do with certainty? These 
are questions you have to answer yourself.

If you plan on doing backups daily, you'd have to set 'runspercycle' to 7 (7 
runs total; 1 run per day each week, assuming your backup finishes within one 
day; AFAIK, you just need a good estimate here).

If you configure it with:
dumpcycle 1 week
runspercycle 7
and don't do one backup per day (i.e. actual # of 'amdump's is less than 
'runspercycle') then Amanda will just do as many incrementals as it can do. It 
will start with a full dump once the new dumpcycle starts.

> What i mean to ask is for a weekly backup in which the dump shoud be a full
> dump why cant we use the configuration something like this.
> dumpcycle 1day
> runspercycle 1
> tapecycle 3
> runtapes 1
> ??

This should work, assuming you do it only one day a week (i.e. Saturday).

> Please guide me.
> Thank you once again for the help and i would like to know the materials you
> referred other than the amanda wiki.

I also recommend the book "Backup & Recovery" by W. Curtis Preston.

> On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 8:22 AM, Valeriu Mutu <vm...@pcbi.upenn.edu> wrote:
> > Hi Ranjan,
> >
> > I think it's useful to mention that Amanda schedules on its own the full
> > backups and incremental backups based on the backup history. The first time
> > Amanda runs during a 'dumpcycle', assuming a good config, it will do a full
> > backup of the DLE's you've specified.
> >
> > Knowing this, a 'dumpcylce' is the period of time during which you'll get
> > at least 1 full backup, followed usually by a number of incrementals (the
> > number depends on the 'runspercycle' parameter).
> >
> > What will be your data retention policy? 1 week? 2 weeks?
> >
> > For your config, I'd use:
> > dumpcycle 1 week
> > runspercycle 1
> > tapecycle 3
> > runtapes 1
> >
> > Explanation:
> > runspercycle: I chose 1, because it will be one run of Amanda a week on a
> > Saturday.
> > runtapes:     I chose 1, assuming all your data fits on 1 tape. If it
> > doesn't you'll need to increase this number. Note that Amanda will use as
> > many tapes as it will need. If you have specified 7 tapes and it only needs
> > 3, it will use 3.
> > tapecycle:    I chose 3, assuming that you have 3 tapes available, that
> > your full backup fits on 1 tape, and that you want to keep your data for 2
> > weeks. After 3 tapes have been written, Amanda will re-use the oldest tape
> > (from 2 weeks ago).
> >
> > Please see the man page for amanda.conf here, which is very important:
> > http://wiki.zmanda.com/man/amanda.conf.5.html
> >
> > Best,
> > Valeriu
> >
> > On Thu, Aug 26, 2010 at 03:30:31PM +0530, Ranjan Das wrote:
> > > Hi all,
> > >
> > > What are the values for dumpcycle,runspercycle,tapecycle, and runtapes
> > for a
> > > weekly backup??
> > > This backup will be triggered only on saturdays and it should be full
> > > backup.
> > >
> > > Thank you.
> >
> > --
> > Valeriu Mutu
> >

Valeriu Mutu

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