This may be a little late, but it would be nice to have a switch on
most status, etc. utils to format the output for texting to a mobile
device rather than email.

According to Verizon's website, the 160 char limit on text messages is
as follows:

The 160 character limit includes the sender's email address (if
applicable), the composed message and, if provided, the subject and
callback number.

It seems that sending an email to a device that only supports text
messages results in char-length-of-email/160 text messages. This can
add up if one has to pay per message or has a set limit of "free"

Output formatted for texting might be sent only when there was an
error detected or might only include limited summary info depending on
the script being run.

Kind Regards,

On Thu, Sep 9, 2010 at 11:55 AM, Dustin J. Mitchell <> wrote:
> I bet most of you have some small nitpick with Amanda that you've
> never felt warranted an email.  Well, now's your chance!  I'd like to
> put some polish on Amanda, and it's hard for me to see the areas that
> need burnishing, since I work on Amanda all day, every day.
>  - typo in a manpage?
>  - command-line usage oddity?
>  - confusing use of terminology?
>  - something else?
> Start up a new thread on the mailing list, or email me privately if
> you'd prefer, to let me know what's bugging you.  Bonus points for
> also supplying a patch, but that's not at all required!
> Note that I do reserve the right to say, "actually, that's
> complicated" (and explain why).
> Dustin
> --
> Open Source Storage Engineer

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