
The Amanda core team is pleased to announce the release of Amanda 3.2.0. Thank you to everyone who tested beta.

Source tarballs are available from

  * http://www.amanda.org
  * https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=120

Binaries for many systems are available from

  * http://www.zmanda.com/download-amanda.php

Documentation can be found at

  * http://wiki.zmanda.com

Here's a list of the changes for release 3.2.0 (from the NEWS file):
Look at the ReleaseNotes and ChangeLog file for more details.

     Release Notes for 3.2.0:

   * Support for multiple simultaneous writes to storage devices
         o Can write to all available drives in parallel.
         o Works only with the new changer API.
         o Useful if two or more volumes are used in a single run.
         o dump direct to tape can be scheduled any time during the
           run, previously they were done sequencially after all dump
           to holding disk.
         o enabled with the new 'taper-parallel-write' configuration
   * Support for LEOM in storage devices
         o allows splitting without partial parts, saving space.
         o much more efficient, since parts need not be cached on disk
           in most cases.
   * new, simpler splitting commands in the tapetype section
         o part-size, part-cache-type, part-cache-dir, part-cache-max-size
         o see amanda.conf(5) for details
   * Amanda server configuration file changes (amanda.conf)
         o new configuration keyword:
               + taper-parallel-write -- How many drive amanda can
                 write to in parallel.
         o deprecated configuration keywords:
               + amrecover_do_fsf
               + amrecover_check_label
   * The CONFIG parameter to amidxtaped is now required; this means
     that versions of amrecover older than 2.4.3 will be unable to
     recover from servers running Amanda-3.2 and later.
   * The new dumptype and global parameters 'recovery-limit' can be
     used to limit which hosts may recover from a particular DLE. See
     amanda.conf(5) and amanda-auth(7) for more information.
   * Several old changers have been removed - these changers will work
     with Amanda for the forseeable future, but are no longer included
     in the distribution.
         o chg-chio
         o chg-chs
         o chg-iomega
         o chg-juke
         o chg-mcutil
         o chg-mtx
         o chg-null (use the new "chg-null:")
         o chg-rait (use the new "chg-rait:{dev1,dev2}")
         o chg-rth
         o chg-scsi-chio
         o chg-scsi
   * Amvault is much improved, but still experimental:
         o supports assembling split parts on the source volume and
           re-splitting them on the destination
         o supports filtering dumps with the same syntax as amfetchdump
         o a --fulls-only option skips all incremental dumps on the source
         o an --export option tries to move tertiary volumes to
           import/export slots when completed
         o command-line syntax has changed incompatibly; see manpage or
           'amvault --help'
   * Rewritten and improved:
         o amoverview
         o amcheckdump

Jean-Louis Martineau

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