
pclos replaced its tar, V1.23 with 1.24 yesterday, and the emailed report looks 
pretty bogus.

>From the planner section:

 planner: Incremental of coyote:/usr/src bumped to level 2.
 planner: Incremental of coyote:/home bumped to level 3. <--------note level
 planner: Incremental of coyote:/GenesAmandaHelper-0.6 bumped to level 2.
 planner: Full dump of coyote:/usr/dlds/misc promoted from 3 days ahead. 
 planner: Full dump of coyote:/var promoted from 3 days ahead. 
 planner: Full dump of shop:/usr/src promoted from 3 days ahead. 
 planner: Full dump of coyote:/usr/dlds/rpms promoted from 3 days ahead.<-level0
 planner: Full dump of shop:/var/lib/amanda promoted from 3 days ahead. 
 planner: Full dump of shop:/usr/lib/amanda promoted from 3 days ahead. 

But it also says any level 0 is very miniscule:

coyote  /home                       0      10       1  10.0  0:00     6.3  0:00 
coyote  /usr/dlds/misc              0      10      10    --  0:00    58.0  0:20 
coyote  /usr/dlds/rpms              0      10      10    --  0:00   193.5  0:00 
coyote  /var                        0      10       1  10.0  0:00     2.5  0:00 

the client 'shop' section looks ok.  Different version of tar as it is a 
ubuntu-10-4-LTS install
and its amanda client.

shop    /etc                        1     300      20   6.7  0:00   151.2  0:00 
shop    /home                       1   42760   17161  40.1  0:23   733.3  0:01 
shop    /usr/lib/amanda             0    3470    1113  32.1  0:02   499.9  0:00 
shop    /usr/local                  1      40       1   2.5  0:05     0.2  0:00 
shop    /usr/src                    0   55230    9911  17.9  0:11   883.3  0:00 
shop    /var/lib/amanda             0    1500     314  20.9  0:00   864.9  0:00 

(brought to you by Amanda version 3.2.0.svn.3603)

Tar, or svn.3603 problem?

I'll back up to 3599 for tonight's run.

Cheers, Gene
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
There are more things in heaven and earth,
Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
                -- Wm. Shakespeare, "Hamlet"

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