On Mon, 22 Nov 2010 18:46:56 +0100
"Stefan G. Weichinger" <s...@amanda.org> wrote:

> > For those that need off-site secure storage, just rotate the drive
> > out for another identically prepared one at the end of say every
> > other dumpcycle.  

Gene, I thought about this approach, and wasn't sure it would work.

* Amanda would assume it was only using one drive, so its metadata
  wouldn't agree with either drive.

* Each drive would have every other dumpcycle, so you could find
  yourself switching drive in the middle of a backup, and I suspect
  neither Amanda nor the OS would like that.

My solution is a bit different: three drives, one of which stays put
and the other two of which rotate to the offsite location.


And encrypt the files using ecryptfs.


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