I want to ensure tapes are filled 100% each time where possible. I've written a 
script in python to look at directory, figure out size, and create a disklist 
which will ensure a round about size for each disklist file - so for instance 
it will try to create a disklist file that contains entries in groups of 
400gb's - the size of a tape. I know amanda will fill a tape to 100% where 
possible but sometimes, if it is using compression, this doesn't work, and the 
first two tapes will fill 500gb+ and then the last tape will be left with 
200gb. This is a waste of 200gb - I'm trying to make sure all tapes are full 
where possible and not waste any space.

I know I could take the tape that is half full and archive the contents again 
with added content but this is time consuming.

I just want to make sure amanda is working with my script to make sure all 
tapes are being filled. 

Do you see what i'm getting at?


Brian Cuttler wrote:
> Rory,
> When I am using tape compression I often...sorry.
> When using SW tape compression amanda will know what the
> typical compression is for any given DLE and will (I believe)
> use the expected compressed size of the data when estimating
> overall tape usage.
> When I use HW compression I often lie about the tape length,
> extending the actually physical size by the expected compression
> amount so that I am able to utilize the full physical tape.
> This is very valuable for me in the couple of cases where I
> have a non-spanning DLE that is larger than the physical tape
> would be without compression, else amanda would report that the
> DLE was larger than the tape...
> What goal/outcome are you seeking ?
>                                               Brian
> On Wed, Jan 05, 2011 at 11:34:47AM -0500, rory_f wrote:
> > Hey,
> > 
> > So I've noticed that sometimes Amanda will fill up a tape with more than 
> > 400gb (LTO3) - I'm assuming this is down to compression? Is there another 
> > way to limit this from happening apart from turning hardware and software 
> > compression off?
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > 
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