amanda looks for the .amandahosts file in the home directory of the bin user? What is the home directory of the bin user? Is it / or /home/bin, the default is /. So you must create the /.amandahosts file like amanda told you to do, have you tried it?

It is bad to use a user that have privilege, you should not use 'bin'.


Joe Konecny wrote:
I am running amanda server 3.1.0 on ubuntu server 10.10 trying to back up a client running Freebsd 5.2.1 and amanda client 2.5.1p3. These machines are right next to each other and
not connected to the internet.  Therefore auth=bsd is ok for now.

I am receiving this error when runing "sudo -u backup amcheck Daily"

ERROR: NAK r4p17: user backup from rmt170 is not allowed to execute the service noop: Please add "amdump" to the line in //.amandahosts

The "//.amandahosts" seems strange to me.

The freebsd amanda client is set to run as bin.
The ubuntu amanda server is set to run as backup.

(client r4p17)
cat /home/bin/.amandahosts:
rmt170 backup amdump

cat /etc/hosts r4p17 rmt170

cat /etc/inetd.conf
amanda dgram udp wait bin /usr/local/libexec/amandad amandad -auth=bsd amdump amindexd amidxtaped

(server rmt170)
cat /etc/hosts r4p17 rmt170

cat /etc/amanda/Daily/amanda.conf
org "MyConfig"
infofile "/usr/amanda/state/curinfo"
logdir "/usr/amanda/state/log"
indexdir "/usr/amanda/state/index"
tpchanger "chg-disk:/usr/amanda/vtapes"
labelstr "Daily[0-9][0-9]"
autolabel "Daily%%" EMPTY VOLUME_ERROR
tapecycle 15
dumpcycle 1 week
amrecover_changer "changer"

tapetype "HARD-DISK"
define tapetype HARD-DISK {
  length 210 gbytes
  filemark 4 kbytes

define dumptype simple-gnutar-local {
    auth "local"
    compress none
    program "GNUTAR"

holdingdisk hd1 {
    directory "/holding"
    use 1740 gbytes
    chunksize 1 mbyte

define dumptype simple-gnutar-remote {
        client_username "bin"
        auth "bsd"
        compress none
        program "GNUTAR"

cat /etc/amanda/Daily/disklist
r4p17 /etc simple-gnutar-remote

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