On Tue, 1 Mar 2011 20:36:20 +0100
Gour <g...@atmarama.net> wrote:

> > Amanda does not address bare metal recovery. I, however, do.
> > http://www.charlescurley.com/Linux-Complete-Backup-and-Recovery-HOWTO.html. 
> >  
> Nice article.


> > Also, with virtual tapes (vtapes in Amandaese), the question is
> > meaningless. It is the total space available in the partition that
> > is critical, not the "available space" on each vtape.  
> So, I can create as many vtapes as I like and then dump those to the
> tape and they can span many tapes if required?

Nope. You leave virtual tapes on the hard drive. You don't bother with
tapes at all. Everything is in a file on hard drive, so you can use the
usual file handling tools to copy them around, e.g. for off-site

Oh, and something I missed earlier: you can span tapes. (Defined as
sending one backup to more than one tape.) You set a configuration value
to the maximum number of tapes to span. E.g.: I allow two. Most of the
time Amanda uses one. However I have a few large DLEs. Those span two
tapes when they get a full backup. It works just fine on vtapes. With
physical tapes, you would need a changer or a human attendant.


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