Can you alaborate on what you did to fix this? What permission is missing? What 
did you change? The client or the server?
Adi Spivak

Debra Baddorf <> wrote:

One problem I had early on,  which you might be having:

When amanda starts a backup,  the connection is held open for XX amount of time.

The client can reply back on that same connection ..... unless it takes longer 
than that

to collect its data and get started.   That could change as the data increases 
in size.

If the initial connection is no longer open,  the client has to start a NEW 

back to the server.

  On my machines, that required a different level of privilege than using a 

that the server had started.  My client didn't have connection to initiate a 

Took us a while to find and fix that....

Deb Baddorf


On Oct 5, 2011, at 2:41 AM, Adi Spivak wrote:

Amanda version 2.6.1p1

this server has worked perfectly for more then a year.
now, i get ACK error all the times, mostly on random servers/workstations, 
however it is consistence in self error, meaning the server itself gets ACK 
error on itself all the time.
nothing has been changed as far as i know (the main configuration was not 
changed) as i did not change anything until the error started to show up.
then i followed the guide here:
and tried everything ther (i only use bsdtcp amservice returns ok on all of 
them,checked firewalls and xinetd configuration, tried upgrading the clients on 
windows machines and even started to use the hosts file) but nothing works.

as i understand from the guide since amservice checks out ok, this is a server 
issue, but i could find none.

i also tried increasing etimeout, dtimeout and ctimeout.
i even tried weird stuff i found like network settings:
/sbin/ifconfig eth0 txqueuelen 10000
/bin/echo 180 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_keepalive_time
and eventually i even started to replace all my backbone switches to check if 
this is my network issue (highly unlikley as it fails on itself too, but i am 
running out of options).

anyone knows what else to check? please do not advise an upgrade as i currently 
does not have a backup for my backup server and not in a time for buying new 
hardware or even have much time for tests to see what will break if i upgrade.

thank you.



Adi Spivak

IT Manager


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