OK, folks, it is the "--sparse" option that Amanda is putting on the gtar. This is /usr/sfw/bin/tar version 1.23 on Solaris 10. I have a test script that runs the runtar and a test directory with just 10 of the tif files in it.

Without the "--sparse" option, time tells me that it takes 0m0.57s to run the 

With the "--sparse" option, time tells me that it takes 3m14.91s to run the 

Scale that from 10 to 1300 tif files, and I have serious issues.

Now what? Can I tell Amanda not to do that? What difference will it make? Is 
this a bug in gtar?

On 4/5/13 11:09 AM, Chris Hoogendyk wrote:
Thank you!

Not sure why the debug file would list runtar in the form of a parameter, when it's not to be used as such. Anyway, that got it working.

Which brings me back to my original problem. As indicated previously, the filesystem in question only has 2806 files and 140 directories. As I watch the runtar in verbose mode, when it hits the tif files, it is taking 20 seconds on each tif file. The tif files are scans of herbarium type specimens and are pretty uniformly 200MB each. If I do a find on all the tif files, piped to `wc -l`, there are 1300 of them. Times 20 seconds each gives me the 26000 seconds that shows up in the sendsize debug file for this filesystem.

So, why would these tif files only be going by at 10MB/s into /dev/null? No compression involved. My (real) tapes run much faster than that. I also pointed out that I have more than a dozen other filesystems on the same zpool that are giving me no trouble (five 2TB drives in a raidz1 on a J4500 with multipath SAS).

Any ideas how to speed that up?

I think I may start out by breaking them down into sub DLE's. There are 129 directories corresponding to taxonomic families.

On 4/4/13 8:05 PM, Jean-Louis Martineau wrote:
On 04/04/2013 02:48 PM, Chris Hoogendyk wrote:
I may just quietly go nuts. I'm trying to run the command directly. In the debug file, one example is:

Mon Apr 1 08:05:49 2013: thd-32a58: sendsize: Spawning "/usr/local/libexec/amanda/runtar runtar daily /usr/local/etc/amanda/tools/gtar --create --file /dev/null --numeric-owner --directory /export/herbarium --one-file-system --listed-incremental /usr/local/var/amanda/gnutar-lists/localhost_export_herbarium_1.new --sparse --ignore-failed-read --totals ." in pipeline

So, I created a script working off that and adding verbose:


   OPTIONS=" --create --file /dev/null --numeric-owner --directory 
   --one-file-system --listed-incremental";
/usr/local/var/amanda/gnutar-lists/localhost_export_herbarium_1.new --sparse
   --ignore-failed-read --totals --verbose .";

COMMAND="/usr/local/libexec/amanda/runtar runtar daily /usr/local/etc/amanda/tools/gtar ${OPTIONS}";
   #COMMAND="/usr/sfw/bin/gtar ${OPTIONS}";

remove the 'runtar' argument

   exec ${COMMAND};

If I run that as user amanda, I get:

   runtar: Can only be used to create tar archives

If I exchange the two commands so that I'm using gtar directly rather than 
runtar, then I get:

   /usr/sfw/bin/gtar: Cowardly refusing to create an empty archive
   Try `/usr/sfw/bin/gtar --help' or `/usr/sfw/bin/gtar --usage' for more


Chris Hoogendyk

   O__  ---- Systems Administrator
  c/ /'_ --- Biology & Geology Departments
 (*) \(*) -- 140 Morrill Science Center
~~~~~~~~~~ - University of Massachusetts, Amherst



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