Hi all,

I previously asked about hashing my backups so that I have a quick automated
method of testing backups.
I have not progressed much but was just sitting down to have a look and came up
with the following question:
in order to limit the duration of the backup I need to hash only files that will
be included in the backup, how do I get Amanda to trigger a hashing script and
have the script hash only the files Amanda will include in the backup?
I looked at the pre and post scripts, but they do not seem to tell me what the
backup is likely to be doing, I use tar and gzip so I suppose I really only need
to know the backup level and the excludes I guess and then might be able to work
out what files will be backed up and can hash those.

Any pointers will be greatly appreciated.

For clarity the end result I am after is something like this:
1. Snapshot
2. Mount snapshot
3. Hash files to index file ( I would love to put this somewhere that would get
it added to the tar archive first so that I can extract it first and then use it
to test the rest of the files as they are extracted, that would save restoring
to disk and then testing, possibly add it to a special DLE or something)
4. End Script
Amanda Backup: normal backup
1. Unmount snapshot
2. remove snapshot


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