
Amanda failed with 'No cache for previous failed part' and retried the dump and failed after it use 13 tapes.

I never saw a failure with 'No cache for previous failed part', can you post the amdump.X file and the taper debug file.


On 05/13/2013 04:01 PM, Leslie(Pete) Boyd wrote:

Hi All,

    Amanda version: (brought to you by Amanda version 3.3.3)
    OS:CentOS release 5.9 (Final)
Anyone have any idea what happened to this dump? The complete filesystem is 13TB with only 9TBs used and there
    are 13 tapes allocated to this set.
Report is attached. Thanks in advance...have a nice day! ******************
Leslie(Pete) Boyd
Contractor:               The rich man isn't the one who has the most,
Vision Technoligies       but the one who needs the least.
Senior Systems Engineer
US EPA  Rm. E460                --- IN GOD WE TRUST --

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