
On Thu, May 23, 2013 at 10:04:29AM -0600, Charles Curley wrote:
> On Thu, 23 May 2013 13:59:33 +0000
> "McGraw, Robert P" <> wrote:
> > Why does amanda stop at %52  when I still have 1.5TB of data in the
> > holding disk to write to the tape? It is hard to believe that the
> > LTO4 compression is so bad that I am not getting any compression at
> > all.
> It would be if you have both tape drive compression turned on (as you
> do) and compression specified in the disk list entries (DLEs).
> Conventional wisdom on this list has been that DLE compression (using
> gzip, say), is more efficient than tape drive compression.

Tape drive compression is nice, and the newer technologies do a
block by block determination as to whether the data can be compressed
or not [used to be that if you SW compressed and then HW compressed
you might get inflation and not only waste CPU but end up occupying
more tape than if you hand't compressed at all].

What is more difficult is estimation of tape usage. SW compression
gives you a raw size number, a compressed size number and Amanda can
sum the compressed size numbers up and compare them to the capacity
of the tape. With HW compression its kid of out of your hands and
you don't really know, except from experience, what is going to fit
on tape any given night.

If you run SW compression and see you get 1/3 data reduction, you
can move the DLE to HW compression and will hopefully get 1/3 data
compression, which you might allow for by "lenthening" the tape
capacity by 1/3 the size of the particular DLE. At least, I've done
this in the past. I don't currently run HW compression on any DLE
or amanda config that I'm managing. YMMV.

Database compression depends a lot on your database. I have a lot
of sparse databases that compress very well. This is not always
the case, you have to know your data.

> -- 
> Charles Curley                  /"\    ASCII Ribbon Campaign
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