Paul, thanks much for the replies, this is very helpful. I'll ask some
more questions in another thread.
BTW does this list prefer top- or bottom-posting, or no preference?


On Fri, Oct 4, 2013 at 7:08 PM, Paul Yeatman <> wrote:
> On Fri, 2013-10-04 at 17:23 -0400, Michael Stauffer wrote:
>> Hi,
> Hello!
>> I'm thinking about switching to Amanda. I inherited a Bacula-based
>> backup system (old version 3) and the server's drives are failing so
>> I'm going to deploy a new server and am considering switching to
>> Amanda at the same time.
>> My setup: I need to backup 2 linux file servers, each hostinng a
>> RAID's, sizes ~36TB and ~28TB. The raids full yet but let's assume
>> we'll get close to full eventually. I have a 2-drive (LTO-5), 30-tape
>> Quantum tape library. In addition, I'll probably back up the /etc dirs
>> of a few servers.
> Your setup would be fairly straightforward in Amanda.
>> From what I've read, Amanda could be a better choice for me than
>> Bacula since mine is a pretty straight-forward setup. Does that seem
>> right? Bacula's been something of a beast for me, especially when I
>> had a catalog meltdown and had to restore the catalog piecemeal from
>> tape.
>> I have a number of questions. I'll post some here, and then some in
>> followup posts to keep it manageable. Thanks for any help!
>> 1) I'm curious about how often amanda is updated, approximately. I see
>> the current version was released June 2013. How about the previous
>> release of 3.x?
> Recently, it has been about every 6 months.  3.3.2 was released July
> 2012 with 3.3.3 release Jan 2013 followed by 3.3.4 last June/July.
>> 2) Is it clear whether it's better to use the mailing lists
>> or the forums on The mailing lists seem significantly
>> slower than Bacula's. Is Amanda less widely used? Or maybe that's
>> because there are fewer problems with Amanda? :)
> Both mailing lists and forums are regularly watched so it is your pick
> which you prefer working with.  There is a large Amanda users base but I
> cannot compare with Bacula and its mailing list.  Hopefully it is just
> due to less problems in Amanda :-)
>> 3) Are multi-drive tape changers directly supported? If I run amanda
>> and multiple clients need backing up, amanda will use both tape drives
>> simultaneously?
> Yes.  If there are multiple objects to back up and Amanda estimates that
> it will ultimately need to write all the data to more than 1 tape, it
> will load up to this number of tapes into drives and begin writing data
> to multiple drives simultaneously.
>> 4) Anyway to find out if my Quantum Scalar I-500 tape library is
>> supported? The link on the site regarding supported tape devices is
>> dead. It seems Amanda uses low-level tape commands, so it shouldn't be
>> an issue? Anything to test it's compatibility?
> Amanda depends on the system to correctly recognize the robot and tape
> devices and the UNIX mt and mtx commands to work with the tape drives
> and robot respectively.  If Quantum claims to support the OS you plan to
> use as the backup server and this library can be operated with the mt
> and mtx command, Amanda should be able to work with the library
> correctly.
>> 5) Many links on the FAQ and wiki pages are dead. Is that an ongoing
>> issue or just temporary? It doesn't bode too well for the
>> documentation.
> I am seeing that several of the FAQ links do not appear to be going
> where they should be.  I did a quick fix on these.  I am not immediately
> finding such links to be incorrect on wiki in general, however.  Feel
> free to point out any that I am missing I will look into these.
> Paul

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