Saša Janiška <> (Do 30 Jan 2014 09:44:09 CET):
> Hello!
> I'm migrating from Linux to Free/PC-BSD and have problem amrecovering
> backup due to 'no index records'.
> On Linux amrecover works and I did cp-ed (on smaller USB disk) all my /
> including amanda setup.
> The difference is that on Linux state files are under
> /var/lib/amanda/... while on FreeBSD I put them under /var/db/amanda/...
> and adjusted entries in my amanda.conf config file accordingly.
> Amanda on Linux is 3.3.3, while the one on FreeBSD is 3.3.2. Both OS-es
> have same gnutar-1.27.
> Is the version mismatch cause of 'no index records' and/or some hint
> what is required to be able to restore my files via amrecover?

The directory reported by

    amgetconf <CONFIG> INDEXDIR

should contain folders named according the DLEs you backed up.
(With some substitutions for '/')

These folders contain *.gz and *.header files. The *.gz are simple
compressed text files, having line by line the names of the saved

I'd think, somehow you're missing these files on you new system.


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