On Tue, Feb 04, 2014 at 07:24:38AM -0800, Hugh E Cruickshank wrote:
> Hi All:
> We have just setup a monthly backup set to augment our daily and weekly
> sets. I would like to start a yearly permanent archive tape policy. My
> initial thoughts were to take the January monthly tape out of the
> rotation and replace it with a new tape.

Personally I think periodic archives are a good idea.

Pulling the January monthly sounds like a reasonable approach.

> 1. Is this a reasonable approach or does someone have a better
>    suggestion?
> 2. If we are to use this approach is there a way to designate a tape
>    as not to be reused but leave it in the set or will we have to
>    remove it from the set?

You can mark the tape "no-reuse" in the tapelist, # amadmin has an
option to do this. Depending on your naming schema this may or may
not cause confusing later on.

You also have the option of adding tapes to the pool with different
sufixes, or if you are running a different config, even different

Annual2014, Annual2015
MonthlyFeb, MonthlyMarch, MonthlyApril
Daily01...Daily20 (or however large your pool is).

Or you could mark specific tapes as no-reuse, and just keep
lengthening the pool, keep all tape names consistant and
accept the fact that when you cycle through there will be a lot
of skips.

How are you creating your monthly? Separate config, or are you
using amadmin to force fulls for all on one weekend? Or are you
simply pulling a tapecycle of tapes?

How are you keeping your currently monthly's out of the re-use cycle?

> Regards, Hugh
> -- 
> Hugh E Cruickshank, Forward Software, www.forward-software.com
   Brian R Cuttler                 brian.cutt...@wadsworth.org
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