On Mon, Mar 03, 2014 at 02:47:53PM -0500, Michael Stauffer wrote:
> >
> > > > Any thoughts on how I can approach this? If amanda can't do it, I
> > thought I
> > > > might try a script to create DLE's of a desired size based on
> > disk-usage,
> > > > then run the script everytime I wanted to do a new level 0 dump. That
> > of
> > > > course would mean telling amanda when I wanted to do level 0's, rather
> > than
> > > > amanda controlling it.
> >
> > Using a scheme like that, when it comes to recovering data, which DLE
> > was the object in last summer?  Remember that when you are asked to
> > recover some data, you will probably be under time pressure with clients
> > and bosses looking over your shoulder.  That's not the time you want
> > to fumble around trying to determine which DLE the data is in.
> Yes, I can see the complications. That makes me think of some things:
> 1) what do people do when they need to split a DLE? Just rely on
> notes/memory of DLE for restoring from older dumps if needed? Or just
> search using something like in question 3) below?

In addition to the report, amanda can also print a TOC for the tapes.
This is a list of what DLE's and levels are on the tape.  Its a joke
today, but the original reason was to put the TOC in the plastic box
with the tape.  I print them out in 3-hole format (8.5x11) and file
them.  I also add handwritten notes for things like a DLE split.

When you are splitting a DLE, in the short run you probably remember
the differences when you need to recover.  For archive recovery the
written notes are helpful.

> 2) What happens if you split or otherwise modify a DLE during a cycle when
> normally the DLE would be getting an incremental dump? Will amanda do a new
> level 0 dump for it?
Splitting a DLE means there is 'at least' one new DLE.  All new DLE
must get a level 0.  If the original DLE is still active, possibly
"excluding" some things that go into the new DLE, it will continue on
its current dumpcycle.  I would probably use amadmin to force it to
do a level 0 though.

> 3) Is there a tool for seaching for a path or filename across all dump
> indecies? Or do I just grep through all the index files
> in /etc/amanda/config-name/<index>/ ?

No am-tool that I know of.  Just "zgrep" (the indexes are compressed).

Jon H. LaBadie                 j...@jgcomp.com
 11226 South Shore Rd.          (703) 787-0688 (H)
 Reston, VA  20190              (609) 477-8330 (C)

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