
> There is no parameter for that timeout. It is a constant in the program.
> CONNECT_TIMEOUT in the server-src/chunker.c file
> Running the script on the client might fix the issue
>    execute-where client

Even runing on the client it will take more than 300 seconds, would the
chunker wait on the script to finish on the client?

Thank you,


> Jean-Louis
> On 09/24/2014 12:04 AM, Olivier Nicole wrote:
>> Hi,
>> For one specific DLE, I need to do a snapshot, through a pre-del-backup
>> script. But the script takes quite some time to complete (up to a
>> couple of hours). What timeout should I define to make Amanda wait for
>> the end of the script before it can chunk the result?
>> Example for the DLE amanda /virtual/mybackups/st106808
>> chunker.20140924001916.debug times out after 300 seconds:
>> Wed Sep 24 00:19:16 2014: thd-0x804c6ce00: chunker: pid 86096 ruid 10014 
>> euid 10014 version 3.3.2: start at Wed Sep 24 00:19:16 2014
>> Wed Sep 24 00:19:16 2014: thd-0x804c6ce00: chunker: pid 86096 ruid 10014 
>> euid 10014 version 3.3.2: rename at Wed Sep 24 00:19:16 2014
>> Wed Sep 24 00:19:16 2014: thd-0x804c6ce00: chunker: getcmd: START 
>> 20140924000501
>> Wed Sep 24 00:19:16 2014: thd-0x804c6ce00: chunker: getcmd: PORT-WRITE
>> 11-00015 /holding/20140924000501/amanda._virtual_mybackups_st106808.0
>> amanda ffffffff9efefbffffffffff1f /virtual/mybackups/st106808 0
>> 1970:1:1:0:0:0 10485760 GNUTAR 500064 |;auth=bsd;srvcomp-best;index;
>> ...
>> Wed Sep 24 00:24:17 2014: thd-0x804c6ce00: chunker: stream_accept: timeout 
>> after 300 seconds
>> Wed Sep 24 00:24:17 2014: thd-0x804c6ce00: chunker: putresult: 11 TRY-AGAIN
>> Wed Sep 24 00:24:17 2014: thd-0x804c6ce00: chunker: critical (fatal): 
>> startup_chunker failed: error accepting header stream: Operation timed out
>> and driver.20140924000501.debug, the script takes 45 minutes to complete:
>> Wed Sep 24 00:19:16 2014: thd-0x804c6ce00: driver: Spawning 
>> "/usr/local/libexec/amanda/application/vmware vmware PRE-DLE-BACKUP 
>> --execute-where server --config normal --host amanda --disk 
>> /virtual/mybackups/st106808 --level 0" in pipeline
>> Wed Sep 24 00:19:17 2014: thd-0x804c6ce00: driver: script: zorglub
>> Wed Sep 24 00:19:17 2014: thd-0x804c6ce00: driver: script: PRE-DLE-BACKUP 
>> st106808
>> Wed Sep 24 00:19:18 2014: thd-0x804c6ce00: driver: script: We need to backup 
>> that one st106808
>> ...
>> Wed Sep 24 01:05:54 2014: thd-0x804c6ce00: driver: script: 2014-09-23 
>> 18:05:52 -- info: ============================== ghettoVCB LOG END 
>> ================================
>> Wed Sep 24 01:05:54 2014: thd-0x804c6ce00: driver: script:
>> Wed Sep 24 01:05:54 2014: thd-0x804c6ce00: driver: script: VMware snapshot 
>> OK for st106808
>> Thank you,
>> Olivier


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