With the NIS change… did that involve changing the hostname or IPs the server 
appears to be using as seen from the client?  Is your xinetd using tcpwrappers? 
Do you need to update /etc/hosts.allow, hosts.deny, and/or 
~amanda/.amandahosts?  Is the new Amanda UID reflected properly in xinetd.conf? 
 Perhaps bouncing xinetd may suffice to solve the issue, if you haven’t 
rebooted the whole host since the NIS changes.

Is there an iptables  firewall on the client that needs updating?  AppArmor or 
SELinux updates?

From: owner-amanda-us...@amanda.org [mailto:owner-amanda-us...@amanda.org] On 
Behalf Of Michael Stauffer
Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2014 16:31
To: amanda-users@amanda.org
Subject: can't connect to client

Amanda 3.3.4
CentOS 6.5 (server and client)

I'm having trouble connecting to a client. It used to work. The only thing I 
can think of that's changed since the last time it worked is that the NIS 
server changed. But that seems to be working fine and the amandabackup user is 
available on the client (the server is not using NIS).

Note that the server works with other clients just fine.

amcheck on the client shows this:

WARNING: tesla: selfcheck request failed: recv error: Connection reset by peer

The amandabackup uid changed with the NIS server change, so I went through 
these dirs on the client to make sure files were owned by amandabckup:disk 
(except where they should be owned by root):


xinetd is running on the client.

'netstat -a | grep amanada'  shows:
tcp        0      0 *:amanda                    *:*                         

Here's the tail of /var/log/amanda/server/jet1/amcheck.<date>.debug from the 

Wed Dec 17 17:27:50 2014: thd-0x1a0e4b0: amcheck-clients: make_socket opening 
socket with family 2
Wed Dec 17 17:27:50 2014: thd-0x1a0e4b0: amcheck-clients: connect_port: Try  
port 571: available - Success
Wed Dec 17 17:27:50 2014: thd-0x1a0e4b0: amcheck-clients: connected to<>
Wed Dec 17 17:27:50 2014: thd-0x1a0e4b0: amcheck-clients: our side is<>
Wed Dec 17 17:27:50 2014: thd-0x1a0e4b0: amcheck-clients: try_socksize: send 
buffer size is 65536
Wed Dec 17 17:27:50 2014: thd-0x1a0e4b0: amcheck-clients: try_socksize: receive 
buffer size is 65536
Wed Dec 17 17:27:50 2014: thd-0x1a0e4b0: amcheck-clients: tcpm_send_token: data 
is still flowing
Wed Dec 17 17:27:50 2014: thd-0x1a0e4b0: amcheck-clients: 
security_stream_seterr(0x1eeb050, recv error: Connection reset by peer)
Wed Dec 17 17:27:50 2014: thd-0x1a0e4b0: amcheck-clients: 
security_seterror(handle=0x1ee6e50, driver=0x3efe86fce0 (BSDTCP) error=recv 
error: Connection reset by peer)
Wed Dec 17 17:27:50 2014: thd-0x1a0e4b0: amcheck-clients: 
security_close(handle=0x1ee6e50, driver=0x3efe86fce0 (BSDTCP))
Wed Dec 17 17:27:50 2014: thd-0x1a0e4b0: amcheck-clients: 
Wed Dec 17 17:27:50 2014: thd-0x1a0e4b0: amcheck: pid 1157 finish time Wed Dec 
17 17:27:50 2014

Can anyone help me figure this out? Thanks!


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