Since you’ve gotten no answers yet  (I know very little):    might this be 
related to whether the client   or the  server
is the one doing  the unpacking of the dump,   and in turn,   which one of 
those also did the encrypting?

I do some encrypting on one small set of nodes,  but the server does the 
encrypting.   I’m merely making sure the tapes
are encrypted so they can be stored remotely.     Any reason why you have the 
client itself doing the encryption?
I suppose it is more private that way …..  specially if the data is going over 
the network and might be seen there.

This is by way of starting a discussion,  and also  “bump”.

Deb Baddorf

On Mar 12, 2015, at 5:21 PM, Oscar Ricardo Silva <> wrote:

> I've been testing encrypted storage of backups but am confused as to how to 
> restore files. In my setup, I run the backup server with other sysadmins 
> running the individual servers being backed up and ideally I'd like for these 
> sysadmins to restore files from the client systems without bothering me ... I 
> mean "without involving me" ...
> I've had no luck restoring files using amrecover (one server encrypted with 
> amcrypt-ossl and another with amcrypt-ossl-asym) so I decided to review the 
> man page and saw:
> ***************************
> Note
> The Default values are those set at compile-time. Use amrestore to recover 
> client-encrypted or client-custom-compressed tapes.
> ***************************
> Does this mean that for the sysadmin of a client to restore files from an 
> encrypted backup, they can only use amrestore and not amrecover? amrestore 
> suggests (and I might be wrong) that the individual running it know a lot 
> about how the backups are stored.
> The backups *SEEM* to run OK and using amrecover I can even browse the files 
> that were backed up.
> I've reviewed the amanda HOWTOs and FAQ but while they describe the setup for 
> encrypted storage of backups, I don't believe there are examples on restoring 
> files.
> Oscar

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