
Which taperscan are you using?

The default 'traditional' read all slots.
Try the 'lexical' or 'oldest'.


On 04/02/2015 02:20 PM, Jason L Tibbitts III wrote:
I'm running 3.3.6 (but could easily upgrade if it would help).  For a
long time I've been wondering about amanda's behaves when I have a
tapecycle larger than the number of tapes in my barcode-supporting
library and all of the tapes in the library have been recently written.
When the next tape in the cycle isn't in the library, amanda will
attempt to load and scan every single tape in the library, even though
it should be able to tell immediately that the tape it wants isn't there
just by the barcodes.  Unfortunately this takes about 70
minutes. (Tandberg T24 library with 22 occupied slots.  My tapecycle is
88 tapes.)

So basically if I know it's tape day and I happen to not get to it
before amcheck runs, I potentially have a 70 minute wait before I can do
anything, even though all of the necessary information is already
available.  I know amanda can properly talk to the barcode reader
because it can directly load a tape by barcode.  All listings in
tapelist have the barcode present.

Is this the expected behavior or have I perhaps missed a setting?

  - J<

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