I am using the Amanda 2.5.0p2 client on a MacOSX (matching a Amanda 2.5.0p2 
server on a CentOS 5.11 system) and have it set up to use GnuTAR for backup on 
the Mac (a MacMini).  This works OK, but there are some weirdnesses:

The incremental backups (level > 0) are just about as large as the level 0 
backups.  Why is this?  Is there something I could/should do special?

I built the Amanda 2.5.0p2 client from source on the Mac.  It has GnuTAR 1.17 

frodo.deepsoft.com% gnutar --version
tar (GNU tar) 1.17
Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv2+: GNU GPL version 2 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.

Modified to support extended attributes.
Written by John Gilmore and Jay Fenlason.

The MacOSX version is (I think 10.6 or 10.7):
frodo.deepsoft.com% uname -a
Darwin frodo.deepsoft.com 11.4.2 Darwin Kernel Version 11.4.2: Thu Aug 23 
16:26:45 PDT 2012; root:xnu-1699.32.7~1/RELEASE_I386 i386

The disklist section looks like this:

# Frodo                                                                        
frodo /                                         comp-user-span-tar 4           
frodo /Applications                             comp-user-span-tar 4           
frodo /Library                                  comp-user-span-tar 4           
frodo /System                                   comp-user-span-tar 4           
frodo /Users                                    comp-user-span-tar 4           

(The mac has one actual file system, but I am breaking it up (using excludes) 
to reduce the sizes of the backups -- I don't have enough holding disk space 
for the whole thing at one go.)

The dump types look like this:

define dumptype root-tar {
    program "GNUTAR"
    comment "root partitions dumped with tar"
    compress none
#   exclude list "/etc/amanda/exclude.gtar"
    exclude list ".amanda.excludes"
    priority low

define dumptype comp-user-span-tar {
    tape_splitsize 1432 Mb
    comment "Non-root partitions on reasonably fast machines, incrmentals only"
    compress client fast
    priority medium

And frodo:/.amanda.excludes contains:

frodo.deepsoft.com% cat /.amanda.excludes


Robert Heller             -- 978-544-6933
Deepwoods Software        -- Custom Software Services
http://www.deepsoft.com/  -- Linux Administration Services
hel...@deepsoft.com       -- Webhosting Services

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