Didn’t see the original.  Must’ve gotten lost.   

 There are now more settings for  “flush” …. one of them requires that flush 
disks be listed by NAME.
The other setting does not.  Looking at my config file,  I think   “autoflush  
yes”  requires that you name the DLEs.
“autoflush all”  does not.

(a)   try setting it to  all
(b)   and /or  in the mean while,   look at your holding disk for the names of 
the DLE’s  still sitting there,   and try
        amflush campus  nodename1 DLE1  nodename2 DLE2  nodename3 DLE3   etc

Deb Baddorf

On Oct 30, 2015, at 12:14 PM, Chris Nighswonger <cnighswon...@foundations.edu> 

> No takers?
> On Tue, Oct 27, 2015 at 3:48 PM, Chris Nighswonger
> <cnighswon...@foundations.edu> wrote:
>> Here is one for the list:
>> backup@scriptor:~/campus$ amreport campus
>> Hostname: scriptor
>> Org     : Daily CAMPUS Backup
>> Config  : campus
>> Date    : October 27, 2015
>> These dumps were to tape campus-NGH862L4.
>> There are 59843032k of dumps left in the holding disk.
>> They will be flushed on the next run.
>> And yet:
>> backup@scriptor:~/campus$ amflush campus
>> Could not find any Amanda directories to flush.
>> Any idea what's up with all of that? And how to fix it?
>> Kind regards,
>> Chris

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