On Wed, Jan 27, 2016 at 03:39:39PM -0500, Jean-Louis Martineau wrote:
> On 27/01/16 11:47 AM, jflack wrote:
> >On 01/26/2016 05:51 PM, Jean-Louis Martineau wrote:
> >
> >>What is the taperalgo setting?
> >largestfit
> man amanda.conf:
>     largestfit
>                The largest dump image that will fit on the current tape.
> The full dump is too large to fit on the tape, so amanda flush a smaller
> dump (the incrementals).
> You found a bug, amanda must always flush dump in datestamp order!!

You mean within a group of the same DLE dumps or datestamp order
among all available dumps?
> Jean-Louis
> >
> >>>    Dumps: lev datestmp  tape             file   origK   compK secs
> >>>            0  20160124                   0 20550680 20550680 369
> >>>            1  20160125                   0 680 680 11
> >>>            2  19691231  D03001           69 0 0 0
> >>That one looks like a bug. I suspect it is an old dump that was deleted
> >>when D03001 was overwritten.
> >I think there might be an arguable bug of some kind, but I see
> >situations like this frequently in amadmin info output ... that
> >is, two situations that are similar:
> >
> >1. A full dump that is still in the holding disk, with a later
> >    increment that has been taped, where the later increment has
> >    nonzero size and a real datestmp
> >
> >2. A full dump that is still in the holding disk, with a later
> >    increment that has zero size (probably nothing changed in
> >    that DLE), and a 19691231 datestmp.
> >
> >It looks to me as if the 19691231 datestmp (Unix epoch, depending
> >on your timezone) is always what appears if the increment has
> >zero size. That seems like a quirky-but-minor issue.
> >
> >What holds more of my interest is this apparent pattern where
> >increments will go to tape even before the full dumps they
> >depend on, with the full dump not necessarily even going to
> >tape until a later amflush.
> >
> >When I look at the list of available taperalgos, it looks as if
> >they only consider two things: dump size (largest, smallest,
> >any algo ending with "fit"), and time of dump completion
> >(first, last, any algo starting with "first").
> >
> >I don't see that any algo explicitly considers the dependency
> >relationships between dumps (hmm, dump B *depends on* dump A,
> >so I should satisfy the stated algo preferences in a way
> >that also makes sure A is on tape if B is).
> >
> >As a practical matter, dump A must have arrived at the holding
> >disk before dump B did, so algo "first" will probably DTRT,
> >and "firstfit" will probably DTRT most of the time. Algo "last"
> >will probably DTRT only when no other outcome is possible. :)
> >
> >I guess what I'm wondering is, how straightforward is the
> >development of additional taperalgos? Can they be written
> >in Perl? Is there an API for retrieving information on the
> >dumps that are in the holdingdisk, and enough information to
> >figure out which ones *depend on* which others, so something
> >like a topological sort could be done?
> >
> >And ... is there anybody already working on that?
> >
> >-Chap
>>> End of included message <<<

Jon H. LaBadie                 j...@jgcomp.com
 11226 South Shore Rd.          (703) 787-0688 (H)
 Reston, VA  20190              (703) 935-6720 (C)

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