Am 2016-07-11 um 18:29 schrieb Debra S Baddorf:

>> Asked in general:
>> is it recommended or necessary to run "amtape $myconf update" every
>> time the admin loads the library's magazines with fresh tapes?
> I’ve found it not necessary.   As long as the machine has SEEN those
> tapes before  (and it must have, since you had to load them to put a
> label on them)  AND  as long as you have a barcode reader,  it’ll
> recognize them.  Actually,  even without the barcode reader, it’ll
> recognize them when it loads them,  but it might have to mount each
> one when you’ve asked for a restore & a particular tape is required. 
> With a barcode reader, it should already know which slot that barcode
> is in, and will have stored info about  “BARCODE XYZZY  means tape
> DAILY-XYZZY”  (or however your barcodes correspond to your actual
> tape labels.

We had the case that it didn't write to one tape last week for some
reason. Currently it looks good and the admin tests removing the
$nexttape this evening.


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