On Sat, Jul 30, 2016 at 2:05 AM, Uwe Menges <uwe.men...@web.de> wrote:

> On 07/29/16 16:59, Chris Nighswonger wrote:
> > Yes, but they are compiled with user 'amandabackup' whereas packages in
> > the distro repo are compiled with 'backup.' The site here is large
> > enough that the pain of switching the backup username would be quite
> large.
> To get around this issue, you could duplicate the existing user with the
> other name:
> # grep back /etc/passwd
> amandabackup:x:33:6:Amanda user:/var/lib/amanda:/bin/bash
> backup:x:33:6:Amanda user:/var/lib/amanda:/bin/bash
If most of the clients were *nix, that would be great; however, the
majority are WinXX clients which require much more work to change the

Kind regards,

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