Jon LaBadie <> (Di 27 Jun 2017 00:39:05 CEST):
> > to matching " and $ additionally to #.
> Then old-fart that I am, I was thinking [^ -"$->] but realized that is
> so ASCII/US-centric of me.

Yes, unfortunately I do not have information about the flavour of regex
amanda uses. (I *believe*, it is like `grep -E`, but I'm not sure. One
should look into the source…) Depending on the flavour a \x23 would

Best would be if the plain '#' does not break the interpretation of the
DLE, either because it gets protected as '/' are protected, or because
the interpreter gets fixed(?).

    Best regards from Dresden/Germany
    Viele Grüße aus Dresden
    Heiko Schlittermann
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