On Tue, Jul 11, 2017 at 08:36:16AM +0200, Lorenzo Marcantonio wrote:


> On Tue, Jul 11, 2017 at 08:06:29AM +0200, Stefan G. Weichinger wrote:
> > Sure, pls share for us to learn/copy/ask.
> The vaulting run is done with
> amvault DailySet --latest-fulls --dest-storage VAULT-STORAGE

How many tapes do you use for "vaulting" and how do you rotate the
tapes? Does the amvault job using the same settings as the daily job
to vtapes?

I'm doing dailys to vtapes which are smaller as my "real" tapes. If
I understand amvault correctly I can write more then one dump to tape
with something like 'amvault --src-timestamp "201707..." --dst-changer
vaulting-tape daily' but have to rotate the tapes "by hand".


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