On Sat, Nov 18, 2017 at 18:20:14 -0500, Winston Sorfleet wrote:
> As of 3.4.5 --dst-changer is deprecated, so I have to use a storage
> template from amanda.conf.  I have defined a storage template as follows:
>     |define storage "HP G2 Robot" {
>         tapedev "HP G2"
>         tapetype "LTO2"
>         #tpchanger "chg-robot:/dev/LTOchanger"
>         #autolabel "Vault-%"
>         labelstr "Vault-[1-7]"
>     }
>     |
> Now the monthly cron line /I thought/ should be:
>     |/usr/sbin/amvault -q -otapetype="LTO2" -otapecycle=5
>     -olabelstr="Vault-[1-7]" -otapedev="HP G2" --latest-fulls
>     --dest-storage "HP G2 Robot" vtl|
> However, this gives me an error message:
>     |argument 'Vault-[1-7]': labelstr template or MATCH_AUTOLABEL expected
>     argument 'Vault-[1-7]': labelstr template or MATCH_AUTOLABEL expected
>     errors processing config file
>     |

I haven't looked at your full config yet, but a few quick notes:

* The underlying cause of this particular error message from the -o
  option is that Amanda is explicitly looking a String object for the
  template value.  You should be able to work around that quirk 
  with nested quotes, something like

    amvault ... '-olabelstr="Vault-[1-7]"' ...

* That aside, though, it really should sufficient to define the labelstr
  in the storage definition itself; you shouldn't need to specify the
  labelstr on the command line at all.  If that's not working it's
  probably worth further investigation to figure out why.  (In fact,
  with the use of a 'policy' on the HP storage, you shouldn't need any of
  the "-o" options on the amvault line, I believe.)

* The Wiki page 
  might have some useful hints.


Nathan Stratton Treadway  -  natha...@ontko.com  -  Mid-Atlantic region
Ray Ontko & Co.  -  Software consulting services  -   http://www.ontko.com/
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