> On Mar 6, 2018, at 2:28 PM, Jose M Calhariz 
> <jose.calha...@tecnico.ulisboa.pt> wrote:
> Hi,
> In short I want to restore from a specific date, all the data from
> multiples DLEs and multiples servers into a unique tree of files in
> the amanda server.  This is too much tedious to do using the
> interactive amrecover.  This is Complex enough to use a script with
> amrestore or amfetchdump to restore all the files I want.  My first
> approach is not working well.  So I would like to hear the experiences
> from the list for similar problems.  I am interested in hints before I
> deep dive into the RTFM.
> Kind regards
> Jose M Calhariz

If all the data is on one tape (or virtual tape area) you can ignore
amanda commands and just use unzip, tar, dump, dd,  etc on the actual
backup files.

Actually, several tapes or areas will still work this way.   You are not limited
to amanda commands.

Deb Baddorf

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