You can set the compression and block size natively in Amanda, no need to run mt.

See here: ‎

  Original Message  
From: Charles Stroom
Sent: Friday, June 1, 2018 6:35 PM
Reply To: Charles Stroom
Subject: executing tape drive commands before amdump/amcheck/amflush starts


before above amanda programs are started, 2 mt(1) commands are executed
("datcompression 0" & "setblk 32768").  At present, I do this with cron
jobs just before the amanda program starts (or manually in other cases),
but is there a simple way to integrate this somewhere in amanda?  E.g.

I looked at the "script" section, but it seems to be designed
for other things, but maybe I am wrong.  It also seems that
"datcompression" requires root execution, complicating matters a bit.

I guess I could make a script something like "my_amdump" etc with the
commands, but this has not my preference.

Thanks, Charles

Charles Stroom
email: charles at (remove the "no-spam.")

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