Thank you, David,

> I have:
> root@jenny:~ # uname -sr
> FreeBSD 11.2-STABLE
> root@jenny:~ # ls -al /usr/local/etc/amanda
> total 40
> drwxr-xr-x   4 root    amanda     7 May 26 00:54 .
> drwxr-xr-x  53 root    wheel    120 Jun 24 08:28 ..
> -rw-------   1 amanda  amanda   102 Apr 28 08:05 .amandahosts
> drwxrwx---   2 root    amanda     9 Jun 25 01:27 GipNetDaily01
> -rw-r--r--   1 root    wheel   2045 May 26 00:54 amanda-security.conf
> -rw-r--r--   1 root    wheel   2044 May 29  2017 security.conf
> drwxrwx---   2 root    amanda     4 Oct 18  2014 template.d
> root@jenny:~ #

I have tried that, but it did not work for me, because the directory
/usr/local/etc/amanda also contains all the tapelist files and it has to
be owned by the used amanda in order for amdump/amtaper to update these

My .amandahosts file is located in ~amanda which is different from

> It's been running this way for years.

Idem. But my implementation may not completely follow the cannons from
FreeBSD since I had installed it by hand long time before trying to use
the ports.

Best regards,


> Quoting Olivier <>:
>> Hi,
>> Running amanda 3.3.9 on FreeBSD, I just came to an issue.
>> FreeBSD packaging system places all the configuration files into
>> /usr/local/etc instead of /etc. In the case of Amanda, it is
>> /usr/local/etc/amanda.
>> Amanda client expects the file amanda-security.conf in
>> /usr/local/etc/amanda, with the directory owned by root.
>> Amanda server expects that the directory /usr/local/etc/amanda is owned
>> by amanda so the process can do various file manipulations like updating
>> tapelist files.
>> How can I reconciliate both? Or rather have a different directory used
>> by Amanda client?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Olivier
>> --


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