On Thu, Nov 01, 2018 at 11:05:37 -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:
> This may be a disaster, but I've put 3.5.1 back in, but I've rebuilt it by 
> changing my build scripr, gh.cf to 
> this:
> =============================
>       --with-amandates-file=/etc/amandates # ,<-added
> =======================================
> If this works with a softlink from /etc/amandates to 
> /usr/local/var/amanda/amandates, 
> the real file on this machine.
> I'll copy that /home/amanda tree to all the clients, and build it on 
> each and install the new client.

It definitely makes sense to eliminate these one-file DLEs just in
general (and doing so will work around this particular "small-DLE" bug
at the same time).

As far as the rebuilding/redeploying you describe in your effort to move
the amandates file... in case your first attempt hits any snags, before
you struggle too hard down that path, you might want to take a look at
the Wiki page description of the amandates file:

... the upshot of which is that (unless you are trying hard to make
Amanda not use the standard listed-incremental mode for GNUTAR backups)
although the amandates file does have to exist somewhere, I am pretty
sure you don't actually need to worry about backing it up.

That is, if the file somehow got lost, it seems like the worst that will
happen is that any "calcsize" estimates you have on that client will be
off until Amanda has gone through a cycle of dumps again to recreate the

So, obviously on systems where it's easy to do so, backing up that file
doesn't hurt anything, but it dosen't seem worth jumping through any
hoops just for that purpose.


Nathan Stratton Treadway  -  natha...@ontko.com  -  Mid-Atlantic region
Ray Ontko & Co.  -  Software consulting services  -   http://www.ontko.com/
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