Am 20.07.19 um 14:39 schrieb Nathan Stratton Treadway:
> On Sat, Jul 20, 2019 at 10:54:04 +0200, Stefan G. Weichinger wrote:
>> Does someone have patches in place for this ACCESS_DENIED issue
>> mentioned here:
>> I am currently unsure when it is safe to ignore these messages.
>> And I have amsamba-DLEs with dozens of these messages.
> I suspect that getting NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED message from the estimate
> phase (as the OP of issue 77 was seeing) has a different cause, but for
> your sitution of seeing 
>   "cli_setatr failed: NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED
> during the amdump run: it might be related to smbclient attempting to
> set the windows Archive bit...
> Does the Amanda Mail Report section where you are seeing those messages
> include a message giving the path to the .errout file?  Assuming it
> does, do you get the same counts back from these two commands:
>    # grep "cli_setatr" /var/log/amanda/log.error/<NAME>.errout | wc
>    # zcat 
> /var/lib/amanda/<CONFIG>/index/<HOST>/<DLE>/<DATESTAMP>_<LEVEL>-unsorted.gz / 
> | wc
> If so, that confirms that you are getting the error message once for
> each file being backed up.  (The "zcat" command references the Amanda
> index file for the dump in question, which has one line per file found
> in the dump.)
> Another symptom of the the NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED problem being related
> to setting the Archive bit is that level 1 dumps of the Samba shares
> will be the same size as full dumps.
> Do those tests match what you are seeing in your environment?

It looks like, yes. Although I haven't yet fully checked that, just
looked at the report mails.

I will look into it in more detail in the next days.

And also do a full restore of such a DLE to check the content.

If that is the issue, why isn't a windows user with "full access" ACL
not allowed to set that bit? Shouldn't that work in that case?

As far as I understand it worked with earlier versions?

thanks, Stefan

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