On Wednesday 04 September 2019 07:48:41 Charles Curley wrote:

> On Wed, 4 Sep 2019 07:02:58 -0400
> Gene Heskett <ghesk...@shentel.net> wrote:
> > This is a net install of buster, arch=arm64, on an rpi-3b.
> So far, Nathan and I have been discussing bog-standard debian, not
> rasbian. I don't use rasbian. If there are differences between them, I
> wouldn't know of them.
> >   picnc / lev 0  FAILED ["security file '/etc/amanda-security.conf'
> > do not allow to run '/usr/bin/tar' as root for
> > 'amgtar:gnutar_path'"] picnc /boot lev 0  FAILED ["security file
> > '/etc/amanda-security.conf' do not allow to run '/usr/bin/tar' as
> > root for 'amgtar:gnutar_path'"]
> >
> > What is the official, it actually works fix? There is no amgtar in
> > the debian supplied packages.
> I don't know about official. But, based on your locating amgtar, I
> suggest you try
> amgtar:gnutar_path=/usr/lib/amanda/application/amgtar
> in your /etc/amanda-security.conf. Then use amcheck to verify.

That security file also recommends to use amgetconf to find the paths.
but: locate amgetconf says:

so amgetconf is not installed. rotsa help that.

I have the first 2 lines at the bottom of that file uncommented and 
edited to what I think is the real path:

but come back to this machine, the amanda server, and edit the disklist 
as I took one layer of path out when I created the /media tree this 
time, and get this for am amcheck:
root@coyote:Daily$ su amanda -c "/usr/local/sbin/amcheck Daily"
configuration error - unknown item 'ALWAYS_SET_PATH' (notify 
Amanda Tape Server Host Check
NOTE: Holding disk '/usr/dumps': 1458356 MB disk space available, using 
1457856 MB
Searching for label 'Dailys-45':found in slot 45: volume 'Dailys-45'
Will write to volume 'Dailys-45' in slot 45.
NOTE: skipping tape-writable test
NOTE: info dir '/usr/local/var/amanda/Daily/curinfo/picnc/_media_work120' 
does not exist
      it will be created on the next run
NOTE: index dir '/usr/local/var/amanda/Daily/index/picnc/_media_work120' 
does not exist
      it will be created on the next run
NOTE: info dir '/usr/local/var/amanda/Daily/curinfo/picnc/_media_bootpi' 
does not exist
      it will be created on the next run
NOTE: index dir '/usr/local/var/amanda/Daily/index/picnc/_media_bootpi' 
does not exist
      it will be created on the next run
NOTE: info 
dir '/usr/local/var/amanda/Daily/curinfo/picnc/_media_backuppi' does not 
      it will be created on the next run
NOTE: index dir '/usr/local/var/amanda/Daily/index/picnc/_media_backuppi' 
does not exist
      it will be created on the next run
NOTE: info dir '/usr/local/var/amanda/Daily/curinfo/picnc/_media_workpi1' 
does not exist
      it will be created on the next run
NOTE: index dir '/usr/local/var/amanda/Daily/index/picnc/_media_workpi1' 
does not exist
      it will be created on the next run
Server check took 0.338 seconds
Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check
HOST picnc ERROR: security file '/etc/amanda-security.conf' do not allow 
to run '/usr/bin/tar' as root for 'amgtar:gnutar_path'
HOST picnc ERROR: security file '/etc/amanda-security.conf' do not allow 
to run '/usr/bin/tar' as root for 'amgtar:gnutar_path'
HOST picnc ERROR: security file '/etc/amanda-security.conf' do not allow 
to run '/usr/bin/tar' as root for 'amgtar:gnutar_path'
HOST picnc ERROR: security file '/etc/amanda-security.conf' do not allow 
to run '/usr/bin/tar' as root for 'amgtar:gnutar_path'
HOST picnc ERROR: security file '/etc/amanda-security.conf' do not allow 
to run '/usr/bin/tar' as root for 'amgtar:gnutar_path'
HOST picnc ERROR: security file '/etc/amanda-security.conf' do not allow 
to run '/usr/bin/tar' as root for 'amgtar:gnutar_path'
Client check: 5 hosts checked in 3.956 seconds.  6 problems found.
(brought to you by Amanda 3.5.1.git.19364c7b)

IMO, the gnutar_path in the above error msg really s/b $gnutar_path, so 
we can see what its actually using for a $path alias.

trading "path does not exist" for "index does not exist". But I've been 
screwing with this so-called security file on picnc for a week without 
seeing any improvement.

Now, while I was cd-ing to edit the disklist, I discovered the same file, 
installed at /usr/local/etc/amanda, where it belongs for a locally built 
install, but its untouched, all commented out and yet this machine is 
being backed up everynight as usual.  Might as well be nuked.

So thats the problem I'm seeing here. What can I do about it?

Amanda is not the only thing they've broken with buster, so is linuxcnc, 
they've removed the chipset id string from the output 
of /proc/whatever/soc/cpuinfo, causing the hm2_rpspi.ko driver to think 
its not running on a pi-3b so it bails out with an unsupported msg. That 
is linuxcnc's connection to the machine its running. A 42 megabit write, 
25 megabit read link.

The author will fix it, but he's also waiting for me to build debian-arm 
on a pi-4 so he can get the info to make it run on either a pi-3b or a 
pi-4.  And I'm waiting on heat sinks for the pi-4, just shipped from HK 
two days back, along with the micro-hdmi adapters.

I lost 10 days to a heart attack, got some stents put in but will get a 
new aortic valve installed as an outpatient of the cath-lab about the 
middle of the month.  One could say I'm running in maximum gas mileage 
mode till then as its only pumping about 30%. LOL.

Grrrrrr, best describes my mood.  And people on the debian list have the 
chutzpah to bitch because I'm not running the latest, greatest release 
they've ever done. Amanda has been around since long before debian, how 
dare they break it?

For that matter, if one traces linuxcnc back to its N.I.S.T. founding as 
Public Domain and ITAR listed EMC-2, actually before we had pc's to run 
it on, it too is older than debian. By a decade or two.

Sometimes the "long view" is, as RAH said, a bitch.

Copyright 2019 by Maurice E. Heskett
Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
 - Louis D. Brandeis
Genes Web page <http://geneslinuxbox.net:6309/gene>

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