
I just installed Amanda 3.5.1 on a Debian 10.3 (buster) system and am
following the [1]"GSWA/Build a Basic Configuration" example.

  $ amgetconf MyConfig tapecycle
  $ amgetconf MyConfig dumpcycle

Running amdump a few times seemed to be successful, but the I noticed
that while the first run created a full backup...

  $ amadmin MyConfig find
  date                host      disk lv storage  pool     tape or file file 
part status
  2020-04-25 10:41:40 localhost /etc  0 MyConfig MyConfig MyData01        1  
1/1 OK

...all subsequent runs created incremental backups...

  $ amadmin MyConfig find
  date                host      disk lv storage  pool     tape or file file 
part status
  2020-04-25 10:41:40 localhost /etc  0 MyConfig MyConfig MyData01        1  
1/1 OK 
  2020-04-25 10:46:06 localhost /etc  1 MyConfig MyConfig MyData02        1  
1/1 OK 
  2020-04-25 10:46:13 localhost /etc  1 MyConfig MyConfig MyData03        1  
1/1 OK 
  2020-04-25 10:46:21 localhost /etc  1 MyConfig MyConfig MyData04        1  
1/1 OK 

...and the fifth run overwrote the first vtape which contained the full

  $ amadmin MyConfig find
  date                host      disk lv storage  pool     tape or file file 
part status
  2020-04-25 10:46:06 localhost /etc  1 MyConfig MyConfig MyData02        1  
1/1 OK
  2020-04-25 10:46:13 localhost /etc  1 MyConfig MyConfig MyData03        1  
1/1 OK
  2020-04-25 10:46:21 localhost /etc  1 MyConfig MyConfig MyData04        1  
1/1 OK
  2020-04-25 10:47:33 localhost /etc  1 MyConfig MyConfig MyData01        1  
1/1 OK

...thus rendering the whole backup useless.

What am I missing?  Is the dumpcycle (3 _days_ in this case) to be taken
literally, i.e. should I just not run amdump more often than once _per
day_ (per Amanda config)?  And if so, how can I configure Amanda not to
overwrite a tape containing a full backup which is needed for the other
incremental backups, no matter how often it is run in what period?

TIA & cheers, Jukka

[1] https://wiki.zmanda.com/index.php/GSWA/Build_a_Basic_Configuration

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