Am 15.05.20 um 13:59 schrieb Andreas Haumer:

> I think this was not mentioned on this thread yet, but
> there is also the HPE Library & Tape Tools utility ("ltt"),
> which allows to test many aspects of a tape drive.
> This software runs fine under Linux and can be used with tape
> drives of other brands, too (not only HP drives).
> I used it successfully on several occasions over the years,
> with drive types from DDS2, DLT to LTO-6 and drive brands like
> HP, Quantum or Tandberg.

Nice reminder, thanks. Used that tool earlier as well.

Unfortunately it's hard to install under Gentoo. At first I had to
convert the rpm to a tar .. then it complains about ...
which is part of ncurses. Tried various symlinks without success (wrong
ELF header or plain crashes).

> The user interface of this tool is, well, "interesting", though... :-)

Something else to look forward to ;-)


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