I have 4 client systems that have anywhere from 10T to 30T each and have
setup a VTL. Everything thing seems to be working as expected after a
couple of DLE tweaks.

My problem is that i dont have any significant amount of holding space to
help things from a performance perspective.

So, my question is,  is it possible to take advantage of multiple virtual
drives to speed things up with no holding space?

My fulls are taking forever (3-4days) and am looking for ways to reduce the
the time it takes.

I wrote a custom bash script to breakup the DLEs in to smaller chunks which
helped. I'm running glusterfs for both the src and destination data
endpoints. The glusters are very weak in small io operations but have
excellent "stream" data throughput.

Im not an amanda expert by any  means and am looking for some pointers to
tune the backup performance and identify potential bottlenecks.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

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