Yes this sort of thing. Server-side.

Aside from safekeeping of secrets used are there any other pitfalls?

What is the experience of this generally?

David Simpson - Senior Systems Engineer
ARCCA, Redwood Building,
King Edward VII Avenue,
Cardiff, CF10 3NB                                                               

David Simpson - peiriannydd uwch systemau
ARCCA, Adeilad Redwood,
King Edward VII Avenue,
Caerdydd, CF10 3NB
+44 29208 74657

-----Original Message-----
From: Jens Berg <> 
Sent: 20 September 2021 10:01
To: David Simpson <>;
Subject: Re: Encryption information

 is what you are looking for?

On 20.09.2021 10:39, David Simpson wrote:
> Looking for any useful information and scripts on encryption with 
> Amanda (and not hardware encryption done by the tape library itself).
> thanks
> -------------
> David Simpson - Senior Systems Engineer
> ARCCA, Redwood Building,
> King Edward VII Avenue,
> Cardiff, CF10 3NB
> David Simpson - peiriannydd uwch systemau
> ARCCA, Adeilad Redwood,
> King Edward VII Avenue,
> Caerdydd, CF10 3NB
> <>
> +44 29208 74657

Jens Berg  R&D  VTech IAD GmbH
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