Trying to setup bullseye's version of amanda to run on bullseye, but apparently 

its confused as to user or paths, not sure which.

Sanitized pw entry for amanda:
Sanitized backup in /etc/group:

I Put the former /usr/local/etc/amanda /Daily contents in /etc/amanda/daily  
for bullseye version:
Then run:
root@coyote:/etc/amanda# /usr/sbin/amgetconf  Daily dumpuser
works fine as root,

root@coyote:/etc/amanda# su amanda -c "/usr/sbin/amgetconf  Daily dumpuser"
parse error: could not open conf file '/etc/amanda/amanda.conf': Permission 

Its also the wrong path, s/b /etc/amanda/Daily/amanda.conf

So somethings aglay yet, but what???

And excuse the mess. I'm on webmail because I don't have kmail running yet,
bullseye is being a cast iron bitch, this is the 7th install...

My main 2T drive shot itself in the bridge of its nose sometime in the night a 
week ago
and I'm just now bringing it back to life will all SSD's w/home on a 2T raid10. 

AND my /amandatapes drive is a sister of the one that puked, probably another 

"shingled" drive. I see another raid10 as /amandatapes in my future. I can hear 
the timer 

ticking on this one too. And I'm about spent. Help!

Cheers, Gene.

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