
On šeštadienis 17 Gruodis 2011 23:33:18 Matěj Laitl wrote:
> On 17. 12. 2011 Modestas Vainius wrote:
> > current 2.5.0 tarball does not build. The problem is in the doc/nl (could
> > be related to kdelibs 4.6.5):
> > 
> > cd ../doc/nl && /usr/bin/meinproc4 --check --cache
> > /«PKGBUILDDIR»/obj-x86_64- linux-gnu/doc/nl/index.cache.bz2
> > /«PKGBUILDDIR»/doc/nl/index.docbook Generating moc_BiasSolver.cpp
> > index.docbook:21: parser error : Entity 'Thom.Castermans' not defined
> > index.docbook:13966: parser error : Entity 'vertaling.thom' not defined
> We have found the root of this problem:
> 1. amarok-2.5.0/doc/nl/index.docbook references entity &Thom.Castermans
> 2. meinproc4 that generates HTML from docbook during Amarok build uses
> /usr/share/apps/ksgmltools2/customization/nl/user.entities to load such
> entities (among other files) through:
>  * ksgmltools2/customization/catalog.xml ->
>  -> ksgmltools2/customization/nl/catalog.xml ->
>  -> ksgmltools2/customization/nl/
> 3. ksgmltools2/customization/nl/user.entities is from kdelibs, and Thom had
> no entry there in kdelibs 4.6 as he was added to kdelibs
> Which is rather unfortunate (and silly as we didn't spot it before
> spreading tarballs) as it effectively breaks Amarok build on KDE 4.6 which
> we support.
> The simplest workaround is probably to remove all undefined references from
> doc/nl/index.docbook at the cost of not attributing Thom as a docbook
> translator in your build.

So a broken amarok 2.5.0 tarball was released to the public. Unfortunately, 
this has been happening a lot with amarok recently... Oh well, in case 
somebody is interested, the patch is attached.

Modestas Vainius <mo...@debian.org>
From: Modestas Vainius <mo...@debian.org>
Subject: fix doc/nl build with kde sc 4.6

Embedded Thom Castermans entity inline as it does not exist in kdelibs 4.6.

--- a/doc/nl/index.docbook
+++ b/doc/nl/index.docbook
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
 <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//KDE//DTD DocBook XML V4.2-Based Variant V1.1//EN" "dtd/kdex.dtd" [
   <!ENTITY % addindex "IGNORE">
   <!ENTITY % Dutch "INCLUDE">
+  <!ENTITY Thom.Castermans '<othercredit role="translator"><firstname>Thom</firstname><surname>Castermans</surname><affiliation><address><email>thomcasterm...@kde.nl</email></address></affiliation><contrib>Vertaler/Nalezer</contrib></othercredit>'>
+  <!ENTITY vertaling.thom "<para>Dit document is vertaald in het Nederlands door &Thom.Castermans;.</para>">
 <book lang="&language;">

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